
External RAM

Targets based on the Analog Devices Blackfin bf548 (ZMC, Z48-C1) have 64MB external Memory.
This memory is used for program code and data.

Approximately 12MB (may vary from specific target and release) is reserved for the LabVIEW heap. This memory space contains the wires shift registers and global variables. Because the entries in this memory space must be able to be copied, not the whole heap can be used at once. Nevertheless data of about 1MB can be handled in a database built with a Functional Global Variable.

Around 8MB (may vary from specific target and release) are reserved for Zsystem Heap. This memory space holds the buffers for the functions from the Zsystem palette. (eg. ADC, UART, PARAM…)

Targets based on the Analog Devices Blackfin bf527 (Z27-C1) have 32MB external Memory.
The heaps are about half the size than on the bf548er targets.

Currently there is no function to check the processor memory usage at run time.

memory.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 by
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