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Emulators and Debuggers

Emulators are used to execute an application in realtime or to flash an application.

Two options are available:

High performance emulator HP-USB-ICE

Load executables fast (1.5MB/sec) 1)
Statistical profiling is possible.
See product page for more details.

Low Cost debugger ICE 100-B

Load executables slower (255 KB/sec)
Statistical profiling is not possible
See product page for more details.

:!: Do not physically reset your target or cycle power while a VisualDSP++ session is connected.
Doing so may cause unexpected results and may cause your debug session to fail.
Close the VisualDSP session before reseting the target.

1) Choosing the JTAG Frequency Selection from the Settings menu in VisualDSP++ opens the JTAG Frequency Selection dialog box. The dialog box is used to change the rate at which the JTAG runs.

emulators_and_debuggers.1312520600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 (external edit)
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