Emulators and Debuggers

Emulators are used to execute an application in realtime using VisualDSP.
They connect to the target via JTAG connector.

Two options are available:

High performance emulator HP-USB-ICE

Load executables fast (1.5MB/sec) 1)
Statistical profiling is possible.
See product page for more details.

Low Cost debugger ICE 100-B

Load executables slower (255 KB/sec)
Statistical profiling is not possible
See product page for more details.

:!: Do not physically reset your target or cycle power while a VisualDSP++ session is connected.
Doing so may cause unexpected results and may cause your debug session to fail.
Close the VisualDSP session before reseting the target.

- Choosing the JTAG Frequency Selection from the Settings menu in VisualDSP++ opens the JTAG Frequency Selection dialog box.
- Follow this steps to create a VisualDSP session

emulators_and_debuggers.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 by
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