NAND flash

A NAND Flash is an onboard solid state disk, typically 256MByte.


The NAND flash can be accessed similar to the SD card.
Please note that currently Mass Storage Device is not supported for compiled applications, it requires the FDM-Interpreter running on the board.


Do not format NAND flash with the PC.
Please download and run the following *.dxe to execute a NAND flash format with VisualDSP++
<LabVIEW 2009>/Targets/Schmid/Embedded/<target name>/nand_formatd_<target name>_<target version>.dxe

Multiple File systems

:!: Only one file system can be opened at a time.
If you want to use SD Card and NAND flash in the same application, you must close the active file system before opening the other.
This operation may operate quite slow.

- On the ZMC target the digital inputs DINB0 and DINB1 become inactive when using the NAND flash.
(refer manual page 12)

nand_flash.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 by
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