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Zbrain SDK Z4 revision history


release date: soon1)
release type: cumulative2), tested3)
LabVIEW Version: 2013 (LabVIEW 2011: target only update for bug fixes without new features)



release date: 27.03.20141)
release type: cumulative2), tested3)
LabVIEW Version: 2011 and 2013


  • Horizontal text alignment (left, right and center) added. For existing code, the VI must be redropped from the palette.
  • Touch close VI added.
  • UART enable handshaking signals (RTS CTS) vi added to advanced palette.
  • added. This VI is used to check if a connection is ready for sending or has received data.
  • New timeout control added to Mass Storage Device VI. For existing code, the VI must be redropped from the palette. The functionality of the VI is the same as before if nothing is wired to the timeout control.
  • The dataref functionality has been reworked. Some bugs have been fixed. A new VI has been added. A example that shows how to use the VIs is in work.
  • Not all released events have been reported on capacitive displays.
  • New VI has been added. This VI is used to check if the buffer has run full and data might be lost.


release date: 11.09.20131)
release type: cumulative2), tested3)
LabVIEW Version: 2011


  • New CAN functions added. (This feature is in beta phase, partly functional and not systematically tested)
  • solution to issue 4000013: DINB-CH0 and DINB-CH1 on ZMC not usable.
  • solution to issue 4000014: built in firmware update fails on Z48-C1 targets
  • solution to issue 4000015: NAND flash Mass Storage read access data corruption
  • Caching was not fully disabled for debuggable applications when caching was enabled for optimized applications.
  • Minor changes to vi lib and toolchain.


release date: 20.06.20131)
release type: cumulative2), tested3)
LabVIEW Version: 2011


  • solution to issue 4000010: file status was not returned in FDM.
  • solution to issue 4000011: unknown file error / Invalid path specified for file/directory
  • solution to issue 4000012: Application can crash after executing
  • Faster compilation times on small source code changes by incrementally building the C project.
  • Minor not functional changes in VIs and Toolchain.
  • Timeout in cap touch driver. Position updates faster than 40ms will be ignored.


release date: 08.05.20131)
release type: cumulative2), tested3)
LabVIEW Version: 2011


  • The VI has a new input “display refnum”
  • solution to issue 4000000E: “Cache settings had no effect”
    The data and instruction cache settings in the project tab had no affect on the built executable.
    Cache can be enabled to gain up to 5x speed in optimized applications.
    Cache is disabled in debuggable applications.
  • The DOUT open generic ( has an additional boolean control to set the output active or inactive when opened. This prevents the outputs from producing a possibly disruptive pulse when first opening and setting later. This input is in Z3 since update Firenze SP2.
  • The Ethernet open has a new input “timeout”. The vi exits with a error if the timeout elapsed before a ethernet connection could be established. A boolean output indicates if a timeout occurred.
    The VI can still hang for some minutes, when DHCP is selected, but no DHCP server can be reached.
  • The VI returned a random string when IP address was improper configured.
  • The VI could cause the target to hang up, when a area bigger than the screen was chosen on full VGA displays.
  • Support for capacitive multi touch displays on Z48-C1 target. Read more in the displays article.
  • solution to issue 400000F: “ADC DMA driver for the ADAD7656 chip (ZMC) did not work in all applications”.
  • The Ethernet configuration cluster has not been typedefed
  • The parameter device did not recognize loaded tables as valid.


release date : 28.03.2013
LabVIEW Version: 2011

This is the first official release. Changes to previous beta versions (4.0.4 .. 4.0.11) and to the Zbrain SDK Z3 for LabVIEW 9.0 are not listed here

1), 1), 1), 1), 1) This is the build date as displayed in the SDK. Due to tests that run on every target and for organizational reasons the actual release date will differ from this date.
2), 2), 2), 2), 2) This can be installed on any previous installation from 4.1.0 on
3), 3), 3), 3), 3) This release might be wrongly marked as beta in the SDK (up to 4.1.1). It is a tested release.
z4_sdk_revision_history.1411372070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 (external edit)