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Ethernet How To

Project settings

dynamic configuration In the Communication options tab of the build specifications set the check mark Enable lwIP TCP/IP support. Set the IP address to
fix configuration If you set any other IP address or enable DHCP support, the Ethernet component will be started before any VI is executed. This leads to longer boot time and can block the program (when no network is connected) before a watchdog can be set up or a life sign can be given out. The settings (IP adress, gateway, MAC address…) cannot be chaneg at runtime.

Set IP address programmatically

From SDK version 3.2.1 empoli SP1 the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and MAC address can be set in the program at the start of th Ethernet component.
Start up Ethernet with Labview on Microprocessor drag and drop this VI snippet into a LabVIEW block diagram.
In version 3.2.1 a workaround is needed to enable a correct setting of the MAC address.

UDP example

A UDP master slave connection can be implemented as shown in the two snippets below:

Slave communications loop. (can run on the PC or on a a Zsystem hardware platform.)
UDP Slave snippetdrag and drop this VI snippet into a LabVIEW block diagram.

Master loop. (Can run on a PC.)
UDP master snippetdrag and drop this VI snippet into a LabVIEW block diagram.

ethernet_how_to.1296205917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 (external edit)
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