Constant bitmap work around

Use this work around if you want to:

  • have faster screen updates when displaying pictures
  • reduce the risk of freezing applications due to data loss
  • work without files system but with bitmaps

This work around consists of that can be used as a replacement for
It has the same connector pane as If a bitmap with unknown file name is to be displayed, the vi calls If a bitmap with known file name (a case in the case structure is named after the bitmap) the draw pixmap function is called with a constant that holds the picture information.

The second VI in the ZIP file (convert bmp 2 is the conversion tool it reads in a bitmap file and displays it in a 2d array of color informations.

To add your own bitmaps complete the following steps:

  1. copy in to your project folders
  2. run convert bmp 2
  3. Right click on the indicator “Array” and choose → Data Operations → Copy Data
  4. duplicate the “test.bmp” case in
  5. name the case after the bitmap
  6. paste the data in the constant array within you new case.
  7. repeat steps 3 - 7 for all bitmaps that you would like to have as constants in your application
  8. replace in your application with the copy of from your project folders.
constant_bitmap.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:26 by
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